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Thursday, 8 September 2011

Getting into the travel mood...

Leaving Frankfurt!!!

Arriving in Delhi reminded us about the joy of backpacking: we stepped with our 20kg backpacks from an empty, ultra modern, super cold metro into the dirt, damp heat and over-populated central Delhi.

No time to get use to the sight, we decide to move the same day towards the Himalayas starting with Chandigarh. Finding how to buy a ticket turns out to be more complicated than expected and we are led into town by super polite and well-dressed locals who assure us it's not possible to buy tickets in the train stations for foreigners. After half an hour in a fake travel agency, we decide not to get the 400 € package after the improvised agent had assured us that all the trains were booked out for the next three days. Going into our beloved lonely planet, it turned out that we had fallen into the typical Delhi trap for innocent tourists.... We decide to head back to the central station in spite of all the new polite and well-dressed locals approaching us every 5 min assuring that they know where the tourist office is....(which by the way is at 20 different location in town, all about 10 min walk from the station). It's only about 10 m from the foreign ticketing office (which IS in the central station) that we see this sign:

Fortunately, we can get tickets for the same day and even have time to spot the backpackers' street, 10 min walk from the station (but in the other direction ...) and can enjoy our first Tali and of course MOMOs!!!


  1. les plats ont l'air super appétissants....un petit déjeuner certainement bien mérité après les péripéties pour acheter les billets de train, nous avions eu un peu les mêmes problèmes à Pékin avec les taxis où des hommes très bien présentables nous proposaient des taxis pour beaucoup plus chers que ceux dans la file de taxi officiels....à suivre

  2. Ahhhh I am so jealous! Momos look delicious, like the rest of the plate!

    Take care. No fresh vegetables,milk products and tab water...uuups what do I see on your plates??? lol

    Just kidding ..enjoy!!!


  3. That looks delicious! Enjoy and keep the updates coming...
