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Thursday, 8 September 2011

Chandigarh...a town designed from scratch

After a 3-hours comfortable train ride we arrive in Chandigarh, a city designed from scratch by french-swiss architect LeCorbusier. A perfect town?.... Well it might have been so as it was designed back in the 50s, but don't forget you're still in India...

One of the good things though, is that the town was optimised for bikes so that you could think you are in Amsterdam!

The city is divided into rectangular numbered sectors, so the signs are somewhat unsual and it is not that easy to find your way since all roads and buildings look very similar.

Eventhough the town is full of nicely designed buildings, lawyers and notars prefer to be outside in the fresh air some reason.... and they are very popular in this state capital.

Here is the high court: one of the masterpieces of LeCorbusier, part of a huge administrative complex. The so called open hand is the city monument and stands for "an open hand to give and receive".


  1. nous avions vu les photos de Caro sur facebook mais avec les commentaires on vous situe mieux
    Pourquoi les fonctionnaires travaillent ils dehors?
    il fait chaud à Chandigahr?

  2. super la carte avec les titres et les km parcouru
